The Plans & Communications page is a filing system for all the communications activity in ICPlan, including communications, tasks and any Viva Engage content you put out.
There is a dashboard across the top, by selecting any of the filters you can search for everything you're looking for.
The hierarchy of how information is stored is as follows
Folders: A bucket to store plans within
Sub folders: An additional layer to file plans
Plans: Plans are created to store communications, all communications must be part of a plan. The plan has a colour assigned to it, the plan will not show up on the calendar but all communications, tasks and content within that plan will show up on the calendar in the same colour.
Communications: The actual activity that is going out as part of a plan, these are what will show up on the calendar.
We encourage users to try and file plans into folders/sub folders but this is optional and you can also add plans outside of folders in order to make it easier for colleagues to find what they need.